Municipal Sustainability Strategy Advisory Committee (MSSAC) Updates

Update from the June 27, 2024 Municipal Sustainability Strategy Advisory Committee meeting.

Our Committee designee Mike Haugen attended an MSSAC meeting June 27, 2024

  1. Four Viability Reviews are currently active.
  2. Time was spent reviewing the MSSAC objectives and operations
  3. First batch of LGFF approvals have been made
  4. Discussion was held regarding prospective candidate training. Municipal Affairs is working on program development. This will likely occur in conjunction with AB Munis and RMA, with input from others.

Update from the April 18, 2024 Municipal Sustainability Strategy Advisory Committee meeting.

Our Committee designee Mike Haugen attended an MSSAC meeting April 18, 2024

  1. KPMG has been engaged to do a gap analysis related to the role of the Office of the Fire Commissioner (that Office doesn’t technically exist anymore, but it’s easiest to refer to the function by that familiar name).
  2. The Provincial Building Administrator shared some information regarding Modular Homes. Municipal Affairs is looking into concerns being raised by Modular Home builders that they are being denied approvals even though their homes meet code. There is concern that they are being confused with mobile homes.
  3. Viability Reviews continue in Delia, Bittern Lake, and Mameo Beach. Warner, Berwyn, and Manning continue to provide progress updates to the department.
  4. Feedback on the Viability Review has been taken with some engagements remaining.
  5. LAEA amendments are expected to be on the Agenda for the Fall Sitting of the legislature

Update from the February 15, 2024 Municipal Sustainability Strategy Advisory Committee meeting.

Our Committee designee Mike Haugen attended an MSSAC meeting February 15, 2024

Viability Reviews

  • Delia process is awaiting financial information
  • Bittern Lake – Viability Support Group is being put together
  • Mameo Beach – Process is at the very beginning
  • Berwyn follow up processes have concluded
  • Halkirk process has been extended given changes in Council/CAO


  • ARMAA and LGAA will be invited to provide input on ICF processes from an Admin perspective
  • Municipal Affairs will be providing clarity regarding population lists for municipal recalls

LGFF Engagement Session

  • These were well attended with over 300 participants
  • Future sessions are in the works specific to the application process

Assessment Model Review

  • The process is awaiting a meeting with the Minister (this was previously scheduled but had to be cancelled)

2021 Population Lists

  • Are now published

Municipal Dashboards

  • Two new dashboards pertaining to municipal revenue/expenses and permit timelines are now live


Update from the January 18, 2024 Municipal Sustainability Strategy Advisory Committee meeting.

Our Committee designee Mike Haugen attended an MSSAC meeting Jan 18, 2023

  • Delia, Bittern Lake, Mameo Beach are currently undergoing viability reviews.
  • The Viability Review Team has been renamed to the Viability Review Support Group
  • A participant framework for viability reviews is being developed to enhance clarity
  • ICF change engagement should be coming out in February
  • MGA/LAEA is still working through the data received on potential changes (from both public and industry). Some initial trends include support for more mandatory Councillor training, additional pre-election disclosure regarding business interests, criminal records, professional body sanctions, etc. There does not seem to be support for political parties at the municipal level. The ability for Councillors to recuse themselves based on non-pecuniary conflicts is mixed.



Update from the November 16, 2023 Municipal Sustainability Strategy Advisory Committee meeting.

Our Committee designee Mike Haugen attended an MSSAC meeting November 16, 2023

  • Input on LAEA and Code of Conduct can be extended for a short period for associations.
  • Delia process is still ongoing. Have looked over resident feedback on the report. Infrastructure assessment is on track.
  • Directives stemming from municipal reviews are, for the most part, proceeding and in order.
  • Municipal Training programs have started. A number of these are available virtually. Training for municipal officials |
  • ICF Engagement Plan has been approved by the Minister. Final documents are being created and this process should start in January 2024 and run through March.
  • Grant programs presentation to LGAA and ARMAA went well (86 total attendees).
  • Conversation on the Peer Network continues.
  • Municipal affairs staff have valued feedback and are looking to have a greater presence at events such as RMA, AB Munis, Association Conferences, etc.


Update from the September 21, 2023 Municipal Sustainability Strategy Advisory Committee meeting.


  • Various reviews and Viability Directives continue to happen. Delia (Starland County) viability review continues and a petition from Bittern Lake (Camrose County) is currently being assessed. Directive monitoring for Bawlf, Berwyn, Champion, Halkirk, Hill Spring, Hussar, Innisfree, Manning, Rycroft, and Warner continue.


  • Municipal Affairs grant people want to make sure you spend your MSI money. One year of allocation is allowed to be carried into LGFF, the rest needs to be spent. Currently there are about 30 municipalities that the Province is working with to ensure the utilize their funding.


  • ABMunis recently released a paper on CAO Roles and Tenure titled: Lonely at the Top. There is webinar with the report’s authors on October 13th from 10:30-Noon.


  • Both the Province and municipal associations are concerned about the future of municipal staff and elected officials. This seems to be a topic that is starting to get more attention and being looked at on several fronts.


This meeting was attended by:

Mike Haugen, ARMAA President, [email protected]


Update from the July 20, 2023 Municipal Sustainability Strategy Advisory Committee meeting.

Our Committee designee Mike Haugen attended an MSSAC meeting July 20, 2023

In addition to the MSSAC Info document, Mike has provided some further notes.

  • RMA is working on initiatives regarding the Province’s Quasi Judicial Boards and thanks members for their survey responses. RMA is also putting together a report regarding costs incurred by rural municipalities that receive a dissolved municipality.
  • AB Munis are working on initiatives related to political party involvement in local elections, specifically to keep party politics out of local elections.

If you have any questions or additional info, please reach out to the executive director Chelsie, or Mike directly.

Kind Regards,


Update from the October 20, 2022 Municipal Sustainability Strategy Advisory Committee meeting.

Our Committee designee Mike Haugen attended an MSSAC meeting Oct 20, 2022

In addition to the Map Cycle 2 Powerpoint presentation, Mike has provided some further notes.


MSSAC Meeting Notes:

  • There are currently no ongoing viability reviews, although the Province knows of some discussions and expects requests in the near future.
  • Many Municpal Affairs programs are in limbo pending things at the political level being sorted out (cabinet, etc.)
  • The review for the lower Athabasca Regional Plan is moving forward and the Province hopes to release census regulation before year-end in order to allow municipalities wanting to conduct a census in 2023 the ability to plan.
  • The Municipal Accountability Program (MAP) is nearing the completion of its first five years and is looking to make alterations for its second cycle.

Some notes about the MAP:

    • Mandatory for municipalities under 2500 population
    • Municipalities over 2500 population may participate voluntarily
    • The attached slideshow outlines the five areas they are focusing on for their next cycle
    • The MAP is looking for feedback from associations regarding their operation/purpose and the 2500 population threshold.


If you have any questions or additional info, please reach out to the executive director Chelsie, or Mike directly.

Kind Regards,


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