Member Info Sourcing

Member Info Sourcing

Do you have something that you would like to reach out to our membership to get a read on?

Email [email protected] and we will gather the responses and post here in the resource library.


“I am looking for any type of policies that municipalities have created regarding the use of AI in their day-to-day work, plus I am also looking to see if any of them have anything developed for the use of AI assistants (for note taking, etc.) during meetings.”


2025-02-28 Use of AI & AI Assistants [In Progress]

~Thank you to all who participated!~


“Our County has a new snowmobile trail initiative planned in County Rights of Way. We haven’t had such a trail system before, but we know a lot of Counties have had this for years so likely have experience.

We are looking for advice from our members on what to look for or be aware of: indemnity agreement, insurance, maintenance, etc. If anyone has a sample agreement with their snowmobile association, we would appreciate seeing it. Thank you.”


2025-02-17 Snowmobile Trial Initiative [In Progress]

~Thank you to all who participated!~


I am reaching out to gather insights on how County structure its WCB accounts. 
Do you keep WCB accounts different for different departments to shelter less risky staff from higher premiums? For example, having separate accounts for Public Works and Administrative staff, or even a separate one for Fire Departments to avoid higher premiums for lower-risk roles.
I’d love to hear how your municipality handles WCB accounts. Do you separate departments? What has worked well (or not so well)? Any tips or insights would be really helpful. 

2025-01-27 WCB Question [In Progress]

~Thank you to all who participated!~


Have members used project management software (such as to track activities at a high level across departments and had any success or realized efficiencies with it?

2025-01-10 Group Software for Project Management [In Progress]

~Thank you to all who participated!~


1. What restrictions and parameters are you putting in place as we head into a municipal election and when do they come into effect? i.e. bylaw approval, policy approval, decisions council meetings, public engagement etc.

2. Who have you had success with for a governance session during Council orientation, or who will you be using this year? Would also be interested if you have advice on individuals to present on other topics.

2025-01-08 Questions on Election Parameters & Governance session 

~Thank you to all who participated!~


Looking to get some opinions from the members on the members fire dispatching / communication services to help us here internally on some decision-making:

1. Are you currently using the Alberta First Responders Radio Communications System (AFRRCS) for fire dispatching services?

  • Yes/No
  • If no, what system are you currently using, and why have you chosen it?

2. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being great), how effective are AFRRCS radios for communication during fire and emergency incidents in a rural and small community setting?

  • If you did not rate it a 5, what issues or concerns have you encountered?

3. What operational procedure do you follow when using AFRRCS on-site?

  • Do you:
       (a) Stay on the same channel with dispatch throughout the incident? Why or why not?
       (b) Switch to a local or simplex channel and return to dispatch only when needed? How do you ensure clear communication in this scenario?

4. Have you considered switching to a different radio system or explored alternatives to AFRRCS?

If yes, what systems are you considering and why?

 2024-11-08 Alberta First Responders Radio Communications System 

~Thank you to all who participated!~


How does your county manage used oil product collection?

     2024-10-23 Used Ag Oil Collection 

~Thank you to all who participated!~


Does anyone use Taxervice as a third party to recover tax arrears and handle the tax auction process?  If yes, would you recommend them?

     2024-10-16 Taxervice  

~Thank you to all who participated!~


Looking for an RFP to “rip off and duplicate” for a compensation review for the County.

 If any municipalities have one that they could share, that would be great.  

     2024-09-19 HR Compensation Review RFP

~Thank you to all who participated!~


Looking for names of any firms/recommendations for a facilitator for a senior management strategy session/retreat. We’re looking to have a 1-2 day session with our senior leadership team.

     2024-09-06 Senior Management Strategy Retreat

~Thank you to all who participated!~


Do other municipalities sign the standard lease agreement from the Cellular company?  We have found that the standard leases we are offered in a situation where a tower is going on municipal land, are heavily in favor of the cellular company (no termination rights for the municipality for example).  We would be interested to know if any municipalities have been successful with modifying Cell Tower leases.

     2024-07-22 Cell Tower Leases

~Thank you to all who participated!~

In our County, we share library services with 2 urban neighbors, and we have three small libraries under the County Library Board. The three small libraries operate out of schools in the County. Our board is too small to have a full-time Executive Director or even any full-time staff. They employ 3 part-time librarians for the small libraries. In the past, the County library board has “employed” the librarians, but in reviewing the matter, we are not certain they are following all labor standards (or any). And the librarians report to the Board directly.

Does your County/MD employ the librarians on behalf of the library board? And do the employees fall under County HR policies?

      2024-06-11 County Library Boards

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question:  We have just held a council meeting. The minutes are typed live and put on a screen for the council to review before they are voted on.

We had a motion respecting a new rental equipment policy. The resolution approved the new policy but unfortunately did not repeal the old policy.
In my opinion, the minutes are still in draft and this section could be added to repeal the resolution without taking it back to the council.

Am I correct?

My director of Legislative Services has refused to change the draft minutes and is insisting on bringing back to council.

In my older days, I would handwrite the minutes in a notebook, then transcribe to minute paper.

        2024-06-02 Question on Minutes

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: I would like to ask the members if they have any RFP templates for contracted IT Services they would be willing to share. 

       2024-05-31 Question for RFPs for Off-Site IT

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Does your municipality utilize the most recent “Alberta Transportation Highway Geometric Design Guide”? for determining thresholds for road paving?

        2024-05-30 AB Transport Guide Question

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Has anyone ever disposed of the sludge from a lagoon? if so, what did it cost?

         2024-04-16 Lagoon Sludge Disposal Costs

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Our municipal Council has been approached by a Hospice Society that is looking to get funding from our municipality for operating funding. Do any other municipalities provide operating funding for Hospice Care, if so, what would be the annual amount?

         2024-04-05 Municipal Hospice Care Funding

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: I am looking for any guidelines municipalities have for sitting Councillors during the election nomination period. For example, social media use, logo use, speaking to the media, etc. Would also be curious about any guidelines on items going to the Council for approval.

         2024-03-11 Councillor Guidelines

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Our municipality does not yet have any renewable energy projects, however, two are in the application stage awaiting the removal of the moratorium from the provincial government. We wish to inquire with members to survey whether any municipality has projects in which the taxes levied on renewable energy projects are not current (ie unpaid with penalties owing).

          (2024-02-29) Unpaid Renewable Energy Project Taxes

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Where are municipalites at with their ICF negotiations? Do they have a sense of how significant any ICF changes will be? Are they looking at using a standard % increase for cost-sharing agreements (ie CPI)

          (2024-02-28) Status of ICF Negotiations

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: If you have built a new office and/or PW shop in the last 10 years, please provide the total cost, including the size and office/bays/boardroom count. We are particularly interested in the office/shop combo, but any information will assist us.

          (2024-02-08) Costs request for New Office/PW Shop

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question:We’re in the process of updating our council’s compensation policies and would greatly appreciate insights on several key areas. If you could share this request with other members and gather their responses, it would be incredibly helpful. We’re looking for details on:

What existing policies do members have relating to compensation structures for Council members in different municipalities?

How often is this compensation reviewed and potentially adjusted?

Is there specific language or policies used for Councilors appointed to boards and their sub-committees?

Are there established limits on compensation for members of board sub-committees?

           (2024-02-07) Council Compensation

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: The MD of Smoky River is in the process of recruiting a new CAO and is seeking guidance on suitable interview questions and reference-checking procedures.

I recommend the Benylin Formulation. I also recommend searching the candidates’ name and “RCMP” that’ll weed out some baddies…

~Thank you to all who participated!~


  • Are you offering compressed or modified work week to your staff?  If yes, can you provide details on the same, including if it encompasses all staff, and
  • Does anyone have a recent RFP for auditing services that they would be willing to share?

           RFP for Auditing Services & Compressed Work Weeks

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Camrose County is looking to redo our configuration, furniture, and technology set up in our Council Chambers. We are looking ro recommendations for contractors that other Counties have had do similar work.

            (2024-01-19) Contractor Request

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Could ARMAA members please provide some performance evaluation samples for the CAO position

            (2024-01-04) CAO Performance Evaluation Samples

~Thank you to all who participated!~


School bus route confidentiality agreement:   Our school division has asked us to consider a confidentiality agreement to attempt to keep school bus routes private, due to security concerns regarding bus routes.

Who has agreed to this?  Has it worked?  Has everyone including your grader operators been able to adhere to confidentiality agreements?

            (2023-12-23) School Bus Route CA – Poll

~Thank you to all who participated!~


If any of you have a mediator recommendation (for cost-sharing agreement negotiations) Please let me know.

              (2023-12-19) Mediator Recommendation

~Thank you to all who participated!~


Please provide 2023 COLA increases for your municipalities, and what is being considered for 2024.

               Results – 2023 & 2024 COLA

~Thank you to all who participated!~


We are doing a deep dive on Alphabow Resources whose operations are suspended at the moment with RMA. Could you please broadcast a message to everyone requesting what is outstanding in Municipal taxes for this company. We are attempting to set up a meeting of interested parties with the Minister and the AER. Thank you.

                Alphabow Outstanding

~Thank you to all who participated!~


For those of you who use a rotating Deputy Reeve model:

  • What is your current practice?
  • What are the benefits and challenges?
  • What would you recommend to do differently?

                Deputy Reeve Model Results

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Examples like Kneehill County stand out on how a rural municipality solved the Dr. Clinic space issue – they built their own – and I’m wondering if anyone has ever done something like that, but for a veterinary clinic facility?

                Vet Clinic Question

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: I’m wondering if any municipality is making formal use of Artificial Intelligence applications, and if so, for what purposes/processes?

                Artificial Intelligence Application

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: We are looking at updating our Fire (Emergency) Response Billing Bylaw and Policy and would like to know the following.

1. Who Bills for Fire Responses? And who just covers all responses on the tax roll?
2. What rates are being charged for fire response and other emergency responses?
3. Does anyone have a split rate? Ag Grass fire response vs. Residential fire.
4. How do municipalities handle it when residents do not have insurance to pay for the response?
5. Can I have copies of the bylaws or policies?

                (09-03-2023) Fire Costs

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: The County of Barrhead is having some challenges with short-term rentals of seasonal properties under Airbnb & Vrbo. Challenges are everything from an increase in traffic, parking issues, excessive noise, etc. in areas where lot sizes are relatively small. We are getting complaints from long-term residents that it is affecting their quality of life as they expect peace and enjoyment of their properties without the “weekend warriors”. We typically hear about it after the weekend, and we don’t have the manpower to assign a CPO to an area to wait for properties to be rented. My understanding is that RCMP have been called by the neighbors to visit the properties which seems to quiet things down for that night. There must be a different way to address this so that everyone can co-exist. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

1. Is anyone else experiencing any problems with short-term rentals of seasonal properties?

2. What have you done and was it successful?

3. Suggestions?

                (07-11-2023) AirBnB & Vrbo Properties

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: We are reevaluating our grading program and the choices we are making on how to grade, what to grade when to grade etc… So I am wondering how others decide things. Maybe this is already answered?

How do you prioritize grading in your county’s divisions?

  1. a. A schedule-based approach.
    b. A section-based approach.
    c. A condition-based approach.
    d. A mapping system and GIS.
    e. Another way not listed.


Result:   We had 10 members respond. The most popular prioritization is

(c) a condition-based approach, with

(a) a schedule-based approach in second.

                 (06-07-2023) Grading Program Survey

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: NSC is looking at a new financial software (currently using Diamond)

  1. Which financial software product do you use?
  2. What are the pros and cons of that software?



Result:   Pros & Cons of Financial Softwares Poll

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: I encountered an issue yesterday at our Council Policy Committee and need the help of our members. Employment Standards generally uses the rule of 8/44 hours for the requirement to pay overtime. The exceptions to the 8/44 rule are “If an employer establishes a work week of fewer than 44 hours (for example, a 40-hour work week), overtime pay is still payable under the basic 8/44 rule. The exception to this is when a collective agreement, some other agreement, or the consistent practice of an employer has been established in writing that overtime hours are to be counted after working fewer than 8 hours in a work day or 44 in a work week.”

The County has set the hours of operation for Administrative staff of 8:30 to 4:30 with a 1 hour unpaid lunch – equivalent to 7 hours/day. Our past practice (for over 30 years) has been to pay overtime at 1.5 times for any hours over 7 hours/day. The Committee believes that based on Employment Standards we should have only been paying overtime if the employee exceeds 8 hours/day or 44 hours/week and are considering a Policy change.
In order to support our past practice and what I believe is an industry standard in Municipal Government I am asking the members the following questions:

1. Do you pay overtime on any hours below the 8/44 rule?
2. If yes how many hours are your regular day of work?

Result:    Overtime Rules Results

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question:  Are you or someone you work with Accredited through Safety Codes Council to do various disciplines?

An ARMAA member needs to prepare a contract with the Regional Fire Commission for the Fire Discipline (as directed by Safety Codes Council). They are looking for a jump start and asking if anyone could share their “Fire Inspection under the Safety Codes” they may use to help build out theirs

Result:     Request for Safety Codes

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Has your municipality implemented a Truth and Reconciliation Day on September 30th?

Result:     Truth & Reconciliation Day Survey 

  •  (21) MDs participated
  •  (3) Have it as a Stat Holiday
  •  (4) Have an alternate way to recognize in lieu of a holiday

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Q1. Does your municipality have wording in your MDP/LUB regulating locations of renewable energy development?

Q2. Does anyone know of an instance in which the AUC denied or altered an application due to regulations contained in a MDP or LUB?

Result:     Renewable Energy Development  

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: What is your penalty rate for unpaid taxes? Did this change over COVID?

Result:     Penalty on Unpaid Taxes

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: For those that have a revenue-sharing agreement with: 

  • An urban neighbor
  • Regarding commercial development
  • Where the urban is supplying a municipal service (raw water or wastewater disposal)

Would you mind providing:

  • % of assessment shared
  • Term (if applicable)

Result:     Revenue Sharing Agreements Poll

~Thank you to all who participated!~

The MD of Fairview will be acquiring a building, that was the residence of an old hospital facility.  The building is beyond repair but we know that it has asbestos siding and probably asbestos inside.

Question: Has anyone had to deal with the demolition of old structures with asbestos?

Result:     Question on Asbestos in Buildings Poll

~Thank you to all who participated!~

There are a significant number of acreages within our rural municipality that require the services of a vac truck for septic clean out.

– The Town located within our boundary is considering halting the ability for commercial vehicles to dispose of septic waste into the Town’s wastewater treatment system.  

– The Town has had a couple of incidents within the last couple of years that severely damaged their lagoon system, which in turn, was a significant cost to repair in order to get the system working properly again.  

– I don’t know how they are currently monitoring what is going into the system.”

Question: We are wondering if any other rural municipalities have had to deal with this issue, or similar issue. Also, how the two municipalities either came up with a plan or if the rural now had to undertake providing the service in some other way.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Dedicated Sewage/Septic Clean Facilities

    – North Star Lagoon Agreement

~Thank you to all who participated!~

Question: Does your municipality accept e-transfers for bill/tax payments? 

Do you have any restrictions? 

Are there any challenges?

Result: 7 “Yes”, and 13 “No”

Bill/Tax Payments via etransfer Poll

Thank you to all who participated!

Question: “Welcoming any RFPs for Financial Software that members have put out recently”.

Result: We had 2 RFPs provided (see below)

           Parkland County (2014 ERP)

           MD of Peace (Feb 2022)

Thank you to all who participated!

Question: “Does anyone charge a Community Aggregate Levy on Shale Production?”

Result: There were no responses that were a “yes”

For individual explanations as to why, please see the link below.

Shale community aggregate payment levy

Thank you all for your participation!

Request: Member feedback on recent updates to AMSHA auditor training that requires that Councillors be included in the audit interviews for COR.


AMSHA COR Audit – Responses

Thank you for all who participated!

Question: The MD of Peace is searching for any Requests for Proposals that other municipalities might have put out in regards to stripping and reclamation of gravel pits. 


RFP Search (Sept 28, 2022)

Thank you for all who participated!

Question: Does your municipal offices (or other municipal locations) have EV charging for the public to use?

     If yes, what is the rate? Did you create policies/procedures around public use?

Result: No respondents had EV chargers at their municipal office or locations

For a look at the polled results:

EV Chargers Poll – July 27, 2022

Thank you to all that participated!

Question: Who has completed the requirements of the change to the MGA? They are agreements between municipalities and school boards.
The deadline to have agreements in place is June 10, 2023.

Result: We had Dave Dittrick of Red Deer County graciously provide a template for use.

DRAFT – JUPA Template

Thank you to all who participated!


Question: What is your municipality proposing for COLA increases in 2022?

Result: From the polled responses, the average COLA increase was 2.59%

For a look at the polled responses

Dec 3, 2021 – COLA Survey

Thank you to all who participated!


We are in the arbitration process for one remaining ICF (have 19 approved).  It is with the Town of Mayerthorpe who are taking full advantage of the ICF process and believe they will receive a windfall as the outcome of arbitration over recreation funding.

MNP has been hired and provided a report to the Town regarding cost-sharing throughout the province.  MNP has specifically provided your financials from 2019 with respect to Recreation and Culture. They have also used 2020’s when convenient.   

I ask that you review your financials from 2019 and provide me with anything that may be included in your expenses for that function, and/or anything else you can provide me that may be relevant to any cost-sharing agreements, funding models, etc.  The financial statements can include many variables that make it difficult to compare functions one-to-one so please provide ammunition you think may be relevant.

Mike Primeau 


Financials relating to ICF Arbitration (Nov 10, 2021)

Thank you for all who participated!

Resources from Our Members

These documents were provided by Laura Swain, CAO of Parkland County in April of 2024

JUPA Administrative Report

JUPA Power Point


JUPA Agreement Template

Thank you Laura for your thoughtfulness and contribution to our resources!

This document was created by Brett Hawken with Big Lakes County in 2021.

“It is not polished by any means but might provide some value for the membership.” – Brett

MGA-Adding Amounts owing to Tax Roll

Thank you Brett for your thoughtfulness and contribution to our resources!

Resources From our Partners

Navigating the CAO Nexus: Balancing Politics and Governance in Municipal Administration in Alberta
Thursday 6th June 10 – 10:30 a.m. MDT
  • Gaining Political Acumen: Benefits and strategies.
  • Clarifying Roles: Defining Council and CAO responsibilities.
  • Leveraging Experience: Using personal insights to address CAO challenges.
  • Election Preparation: Getting ready for municipal elections.
  • Q&A  
Featuring long-term Alberta CAOs Frank Coutney & Rod Hawken


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