February 13, 2025
Dear Chief Elected Official:
Joint use and planning agreements (JUPAs) between municipalities and school boards
operating within municipal boundaries enable the integrated and long-term planning and use of
school sites on municipal reserve, school reserve, and municipal and school reserve lands.
On June 10, 2020, Section 670.1 of the Municipal Government Act was proclaimed, setting the
deadline for municipalities to complete these agreements with the applicable school boards to
June 10, 2023. A two-year extension was granted to June 10, 2025, via Ministerial Order No.
The ministries of Municipal Affairs and Education have heard from municipalities and school
boards about the challenges of meeting this year’s deadline. My colleague, the Honourable
Demetrios Nicolaides, Minister of Education, and I have agreed to extend the deadline for
municipalities and school boards by one year, to June 10, 2026, to provide sufficient time to
complete these agreements. As a result, Ministerial Order MSD:013/23 is rescinded and
Ministerial Order No. MSD:004/25 is now in effect. Please find attached a copy of the new
Ministerial Order.
Municipal Affairs advisory staff can provide additional supports to municipalities to assist with
the development of these agreements. Questions regarding JUPAs can be directed to a
planning advisor at [email protected], or call toll-free by first dialing 310-0000, then
780-427-2225. Should municipalities require support to mediate discussions with school boards,
please email [email protected], or call the number above for more information.
Ric McIver